Located at 1306 W. 49th Street, across the street from the Webb University Center, the Catholic Campus Ministry House serves as great space to study, pray, meet up with friends, grab a snack, schedule an appointment with a CCM staff member, watch Netflix, or play a game.
Lounge & Kitchen
The first floor of the House is open for your use, complete with a full kitchen, comfortable couches, free Wi-Fi, widescreen TV, gaming systems, and board games.
Back Study Room
Upstairs, the Back Study Room is stocked with Catholic resources available to borrow and features many different work spaces making it the perfect place to study for exams or meet up for group projects.
Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Also upstairs, we have our own Blessed Sacrament Chapel. This is the perfect place to spend some time with Jesus to refresh from the hustle and bustle of campus life.
Staff Offices
The CCM House is also home to our Director and Chaplain offices, giving students the opportunity to seek advice, learn about their faith, and find out ways to get more involved in CCM.